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We've added multiple clarifications on how to submit valid issues. Please read this before submitting new issues:

Added tips on how to handle authors, author links, cover images, slideshows, unsupported content, and more in your template without being rejected.

In other news:
- Template creators may now leave comments on issues if they have a counterargument.
- Template creators will get notifications from Telegram when new issues are submitted.
- We've also added support for videos on IV pages.
We've just updated and expanded our list of target domains with ~1400 new websites. There are now 3000 domains in the contest – and many of them are still waiting for their perfect template.

The total prize fund has reached $315,000. Join the contest today!

Don't forget that you can report issues with templates made by other contestants. If their templates get rejected, your template may win even if you submitted it later.

We've also added several new clarifications to the rules:
- 2.4. Inaccessible pages. Articles protected by paywalls or login requirements do not need IVs.
- 6.8.2. Extended guidelines on how to handle unsupported videos.
- 6.8.3. What to do with 'stock prices', 'local weather', and other unsupported auxiliary widgets.

Check out the updated document here:
- 'My Templates' now shows how many other templates are ahead of you in the contest and the number of issues created for your template.
- Added 'Check next template' buttons to make reporting the same issue on many different templates easier.
- Fixed "Page_too_big" and "Can't_fetch_page" errors for some of the domains in the contest (those that still don't work will be removed from the contest).
Added several new clarifications to our rules:

- 6.8.4. How to process embedded audio content

- 6.11. What should and should not be used as the Subtitle:

- Updated section on slideshows to make it more clear that articles consisting entirely of a gallery should not use a slideshows to present the photos in IV. Instead, simply use photos with captions following one another:
1. We've added a Top Contributors section. You can now see who's winning the contest so far:

Remember, everyone can help the contestants make their templates better by finding and reporting issues.

2. We've cleaned up the list of target domains: removed duplicates and unsupportable websites, added ~150 new domains to the contest.

3. Two important additions to the Instant View Manual today:

3.1. The @datetime function was expanded with support for more complex date formats, including non-Gregorian dates. It should now be possible to correctly parse Jalali and Persian dates used on most websites:

3.2. You can specify the code language used in Preformatted blocks using the data-language attribute. This will make preformatted blocks more easily readable when Telegram apps add support for code highlighting. Code highlighting currently works in the Preview section of the IV edtior.

4. Last but not least, we've simplified our rules regarding subtitles, making them less strict:
3. Also, don't miss the new 'Potentially difficult URLs' section. It holds all the URLs that were used to submit issues for the relevant contest domain.
A month flew by so fast! The contest is almost over. We will stop accepting new template submissions at midnight tomorrow – at 0:00 CET on June, 18.

Make sure your template is perfect by then. We've added another easy way to test existing templates for issues. The 'sample difficult links' page is now also accessible from Template pages:
We have decided to extend the competition for another 24 hours to give template creators an opportunity to deal with all the new issues that were reported in the last several hours.

We will stop accepting new templates at 00:01 CEST on June, 19 (this time, for real).

If you see any valid issues submitted for your template, we advise you to fix them and resubmit immediately. There's no need to wait for our admins to accept the issues and reject your template.
2024/06/25 15:14:53
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